Today was quite a long day.
In the morning, I taught my class; Darkroom Identity at Marwen. This term, I am working with students between 6th and 8th grade. One of the things I love about teaching different age groups, is that from 6th grade all the way to late college, there are always motivated students who are eager to learn and enjoy the process of making photographs and challenging themselves and the people around them to do the same. These are some photographs from our field trip to Michigan Avenue, where they were asked to keep in mind the question; "How can I make a photograph that is about me without having myself in the picture?"

The second part of my day was to spend about 4 and a half hours at the Merchandise Mart at Art Chicago and NEXT. If anything, I have become completely "arted-out," at least for a couple days. There was a lot of crap, in my opinion, but there were a number of gems that were wonderful. The following photos are a few of those.
The first two are images of an American Flag made from a collage of pornographic images. Absolutely stunning, and although I now don't remember the artist's name, I'm sure it won't be hard to find in the near future. The first is the full piece, and the second is a detail.

The next piece is a detail of an artists images of a strange man crawling out of a female's anus. Again, I don't remember the artist's name. I would had I not written the name on a receipt from coffee, which later I threw out forgetting I had written important info on it.

The last one was my absolute favorite piece of the entire show. This is a beautiful Robert Motherwell painting which I took my time with and had stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Even now!

And finally, a photo of Bill and Nate, tired and ready to go. We all felt the same way.