Chris Schedel is a photographer, and this blog is used to introduce new photographs, drawings, thoughts, reviews, and links to other people's art. Enjoy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday's Six-Part Prose

Headphones, Newspaper, and Coffee: Thirty Minutes Spent Waiting: and other things.

Sunday, June 22 , 2008, 9:45a.m.

Part I: Headphones, Newspaper, and Coffee

It's been quite a long time since the last time I was sitting alone in a coffee shoppe before noon, watching people and writing my notes for the day.

There's a man sitting in a comfy chair, in a red shirt, reading a newspaper. What I find strange about him is that he's also got headphones on. He must really be working the brain of his. And from all angles, too!

He wears denim jeans, white socks, brown shoes, and a red shirt. He doesn't seem very fashionable, save on thing, his glasses: thick black rimmed ones. They rest on his ears and nose as he reads and listens to music and sips what I can only assume is coffee.

Oh yeah, he's got a goatee.

I'm at a coffee shoppe in Shaumburg waiting for various places to open. Seems like everything opens at 11:00 on sundays. Everyone must be at church or is observing their day of rest while the rest of us sit in coffee shoppes reading newspapers, sipping coffee, listening to headphones even though music is playing on the speakers throughout the store, making our notes for the day, waiting for stores to open.


There are three portraits next to each other on a shelf. They don't matter, and hold no importance to, except maybe to the staff here in the coffee shoppe.

Anyway, the red shirted Mr. Goatee went back to the restroom earlier. It's true, coffee makes you have to pee, and sometimes poop.

It does that to me, anyway.

So, he's back to his headphones, newspaper and coffee.

The sun is out now. Pretty good, too, I thought it was going to rain today. It still might, but I hope not.

I just finished a small cookie and a fruit juice drink. It was tasty, but I don't think I really needed it or even particularly wanted it either. All I needed was to use the toilet, so I bought something cheap, went to the toilet, washed up, and now I'm here; sitting alone in a coffee shoppe, not quite 10:00 a.m, watching people and making my notes for the day.

I don't really even care if it does rain today.

I don't.

Part II: The Semantics of Finding Employment

The male coffee shoppe employee seems nice, but strange.

The girl: quiet and cute.

Their current customer is loud, at least for the current overall shoppe volume. He's a sub-urban, 1990's pro-wrestler-esque, motorcycle looking dude.

It's 10:05, stores open at 11:00.

They're on their ways, the employees of the stores that open at 11:00.

I bet there's only two per store. One older man who's nice but seems a little strange, and younger woman; quiet and cute.

Maybe not.

But then again, maybe that's why I have no job. hmmm....

Part III: The List: part I

1. a very attractive woman with curly hair.

2. curly haired woman's friend, in a green shirt and sweats; the ones that might have a word across the ass.

3 and 4. a young guy and his apparent lady-friend. typical. early 20's, preppy, vintage, colorful clothes, ass-word sweats on the girl. the guy has a "guy's" haircut, a well fitting tee seems about 50% disinterested in his girl.

5. an older man. he wears a PING shirt. I believe he just wants his coffee.

Part IV: Other Things

It's now almost 10:15 a.m.

Green shirt and curly-hair both sat right in front of me. I believe my initial thoughts of them were in line with how I see them now that they are closer.

Now that I can hear them talk, I am slightly annoyed, but I am easily annoyed by other people anyway.

Her ass says "sure girl". I think. I'm not quite sure what that means.

Oh well, it's almost 10:20.

Part V: The List: part II

-Purple Crocs
-Caffeine Fix
-Killing Time
-Employees Being Employed
-Morning Conversation
-Soft Music
-Wood Floors
-A fire place with no fire
-chess board
-three photos that don't particularly matter
-more newspapers
-and coffee...
-juice drink
-empty Cookie wrapper
-Laughing, Paying
-Reading Books
-looking at people
-Making notes
-waiting some more
-almost 10:30

the stores open soon

Part VI: Thirty Minutes Spent Waiting for Thirty More

Actually, her ass says "SURF GIRL"

I still don't get it, I mean, I know where I am.

Sunday; after not sleeping, too much coffee, missing a toll, and being generally broke.

Mind seems a little out of sorts today.

It's about time.

I hope it doesn't last too long, though.

Today will be okay even though I had too much coffee and no sleep

I'm tired.

It's 10:30 now.

Thirty more minutes.

I've finished my cookie and juice drink.

I've gotten my notes together.

I've used the toilet.

I've got everything I need.

Thirty more minutes, or headphones, newspaper, and coffee.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New-ish Painting!

On and off for the last few years I have been thinking about art differently. I have also been looking at a lot more art than just photography. About two and a half years ago, I was inspired to start painting, drawing, and working on photographic projects that were more conceptually based and that helped me to look at and make work that was outside of my usual visual vocabulary. The following water-color on paper is titled After Ellsworth Kelly.

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